Work from home record keeping guideline

Starting from March 1, 2023, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requires individuals who work from home to maintain detailed records of their working hours. Any previous estimates of hours worked will no longer be accepted as of March 1.
Using a fixed rate of 67 cents per hour for each hour you worked from home during the income year, the revised fixed-rate method gives you a fair share of the following additional running costs:
- energy costs (electricity and gas) for lighting, heating, cooling, and electronics used while working from home
- internet costs
- mobile and landline costs
- laptop and computer consumables
The rate per hour is used to figure out how much you can deduct for your energy, internet, cell phone, home landline and computer consumables for the year.
This means that you can’t get an extra deduction for any of these expenses.
We are here to assist you in navigating the complexities of tax laws and regulations. Our team of experts is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Feel free to reach out to us via phone 02 99574033